Cortec VpCI®S-69P | Water Treatment Additive | 50 Lb
S-69 Powder is a blend of powder corrosion inhibitor building blocks for water treatment formulations. It provides corrosion protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals and is an excellent replacement for phosphonate and/or nitrite-based compounds. S-69 Powder is an organic formulation that contains a unique combination of contact corrosion inhibitors and Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors for effective protection in solution and in air pockets and small void spaces.
S-69 Powder is available in the following versions:
• S-69 (Molybdate tracer)
• S-69 PMF (No tracer)
• S-69 B (Molybdate tracer)
• S-69 IT, EcoShield® (No tracer)
NOTE: Minimum Order Quantity Applies
Cortec is a world leader in rust and corrosion removal and protection. Cortec VpCI® products offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly corrosion protection solutions that are bio-degradable, self-replenishing and provide multi-metal protection.
•Protects ferrous and non-ferrous metals from corrosion
•Nitrite-, phosphate-, and chromate-free
• Contains contact and Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors
• Readily water-soluble for easy application
SHELF LIFE: Up to 2 years.
PACKAGING AND STORAGE: This product is packaged in 50 lb (22.7 kg.) drums. S-69P is also available in 5 lb (2.27 kg.) boxes and 100 lb (45.3 kg) drums. It should be stored in a tightly closed container.
UNITED STATES SHIPPING CLASSIFICATION: Hazardous when shipping via ground and air.
NOTE: This product classified as hazardous for shipment via ground and air on UPS
and is subject to a HAZMAT fee for ground or for air shipment. These fees are
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